Author Archives: admin

Journal of a Highland Tour – Carola Hicks

Can I Buy Generic Xanax Online Dr Carola Hicks, now of Cambridge University, was a member of DramSoc in the early 1960s. A Highland Tour was undertaken by DramSoc’s elite one summer, visiting fourteen venues around Scotland. “Milo suddenly stopped the car behind a gaudy vehicle which I did not immediately recognise as our own Twelfth Night van and said “Well, here we are.” We did not seem to be anywhere. “Where’s the theatre?” On the dripping hillside above, we saw there was a very small wooden building, approached by a narrow path which zig-zagged up a steep slope. This was our theatre.”

The journal is a joy to read, and can be downloaded here (pdf, 700k). The reunion referred to in the text, was held in 2003 in London and was organised by Philip de Grouchy and Brian Pow for 1960s members of DramSoc.

Dram Soc in the Early 1960s – Andrew Kitchen

Purchasing Xanax In Mexico Greetings from the USA: As a former Dram Soc member, I was interested to read the history of Bedlam. The following excerpt addresses the years of my participation:

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“The EUTC was first known as the Edinburgh University Drama Society, or Dram Soc for short. Dram Soc was known for its occasional performances and for its more occasional parties. The society didn’t have a permanent home, and although active, did not stage many productions.” Continue reading